Linking Your Twitch Account to Steam Account Has a Handful of Benefits

It is not a secret that Twitch has taken the world by storm when it comes to video games and broadcasts of e-sports competitions. Millions of users visit this online site on a daily basis to entertain themselves for an uncountable number of hours. A couple of years ago, nobody thought that YouTube could have a rival, but that opinion has changed little by little ever since Twitch set foot on the World Wide Web in 2011.

On the other hand, is a multiplayer, digital rights management, digital distribution, and a social networking platform. Like Twitch, Steam is very popular as well. At the moment, this particular online site is the 459th most visited website in the world, which is quite amazing.

Users of both websites have been wanting to link both of their accounts into one, as it would be more simple for them to take advantage of all of the features that both online sites provide, at the same time. For those of you who were not aware, since last year, anybody can link their Steam account to their Twitch account by going to connection settings and enabling this link feature.

Twitch signed a deal with Valve, which is a digital distribution and video game development company that is based in United States. This deal is what makes it possible to link your Twitch and Steam accounts.

The expert staff of Twitch realized that a lot of their users have various reasons why they choose to watch via streams or in-game, and they wanted to bridge the gap of features that they don’t currently have by making this link possible between Twitch and Steam.

Twitch is planning on expanding the features that are available via this system at the moment. The experts of this online site want to hear from every one of their users in order to have an idea of what they should work on next. All you have to do is contact them and provide them with your two cents. It is more than likely that they will consider every feature that you want.

This linking between accounts is great news for those individuals who are great fans of DotaTV, as they will no longer have to choose between watching events on it and risking their in-game rewards. Yes, you will no longer have to choose between live broadcast on one of the Twitch streams or watching games on DotaTV.

A lot of people may think that connecting both accounts together is a difficult task, but that that is not the case at all, as it is quite easy and simple to achieve. All you have to do is sign in to your Steam account, and you are basically done. Yes, your steam account is already linked to your Twitch account. If for some reason you are having difficulties, as mentioned earlier, you can go to your connection settings page to enable linkage.

By watching live official tournament streams, you will be eligible for item drops. If you attain an item drop while you are watching a Twitch stream, it will be waiting in your own personal inventory when you load your next game. Every in-game item, which tracks the number of games you have watched of a specific tournament, will also earn a credit. As long as you have the ticket for the tournament, you’ll be able to receive item drops while you are tuned in watching it.

This link between these two online sites opens new doors for other game as well, besides Dota 2. It can provide a more detailed statistical data of gaming viewership as well.

Removing association between your Twitch and Steam account is pretty simple and easy to conduct. All you have to do is return to your Twitch’s connecting setting page and click on the ‘disconnect button’ that is next to the steam logo, and that’s it.

As you can tell, linking your Steam account to your Twitch account is a piece of cake. Using Steam for gaming can definitely help Twitch streamers a great deal, as you will have games all in one place to launch them on, which will make everything more simple and entertaining.