How To Get Graphics For Your Twitch Stream


Being a Twitch streamer is all the rage nowadays. If you are looking to get into Twitch streaming, you will need to invest in your setup. However, a good setup isn’t the only thing you will need. After all, you will need graphics for your streams. This includes graphics, overlays, and even a logo. While you may think this is out-of-reach for most streamers just getting started, getting quality graphics made doesn’t have to cost an arm and a leg. In this article, we will be discussing some of the best ways to get graphics for your Twitch stream.

Best Ways To Get Graphics For Your Twitch Stream:

1. Create Your Own

One of the best ways to get the graphics you need for your streams is by creating your own. There are plenty of ways to do this with both free and paid software. You will be able to do this using Adobe Photoshop if you have the requisite skills. With Photoshop, you will be able to create all kinds of status graphics including logos, lower-thirds, and more. You can also use Adobe Illustrator which will give you even more control over your designs and it will allow you to make everything look crisp.

Pro Tip:

If you are looking to design your own but you don’t have the money to fork out for pricey design software, you can always opt to use open-sourced software. T

he benefit of this software is that it doesn’t cost anything. One of the standout design software available that you will be able to use for free is GIMP. This is one of the best free Photoshop alternative and it will give you all of the features you need to create custom and professional looking logos, social media branding, and more.

Also check out Pixlr, another free basic photo editor similar to photoshop.

2. Use Fivver

Fivver is easily one of the best ways to get graphics for your streams at an incredibly low price. A lot of streamers will turn to Fivver to get the graphics they need for their streams because you can typically find quality designers on the platform that are willing and able to work for a great price.

twitch graphics designers on fiverr

On Fivver, you have to make certain you are hiring someone that has a good reputation on the platform. That way, you will be able to maximize your chances of having a result that you are satisfied with.

3. UpWork/Freelancer

You can venture off to UpWork to hire someone to design graphics for your Twitch stream. This will require a little more vetting and work than hiring someone off Fiverr. After all, you will typically be paying a higher price.

Therefore, you will want to do more due diligence when you are trying to identify someone to hire.

4. Canva

This is another tool that you will be able to use if you are looking to design a professional looking Twitch banner or any other template. The beauty of Canva is that it is both easy-to-use and free.

You will be able to create a professional-looking template in as little as a few minutes. They have a lot of pre-designed layouts that are fully customizable which should give you total control over everything from the font to the textures.

5. Crowdsourcing With 99designs

This is a fantastic platform that you will be able to use to crowdsource your design efforts. 99designs will pin a lot of different designers up against one another. That way, you will be able to choose from the very best designers that enter your contest. You will choose the winner and you will get full rights to the final design. This can make it very easy to find a good designer and it can take a lot of the tedious work usually required to pick the right one. After all, you will be able to see their work before choosing them.

6. Reach Out To Artists

You could always put in the work and try to find artists on your own. You will find a lot of people across various social media channels. That way, you will be able to choose someone who has work that you like.

Typically, they will have their portfolio open for everyone to see. Find someone who has the aesthetic that you are going for with your channel and your branding. This can be a good way to discover hidden talent and you may even get a discount for reaching out to newer artists with less experience.

Overall, becoming a Twitch streamer can be very rewarding. However, it is a competitive space. By getting your branding on point and by having professional-looking graphics, you should be able to grow at a much faster pace.

You will be able to give yourself the best chance to succeed with the right graphics and branding that is consistent across all channels. Use the tips above to get the graphics you need to improve your branding across the board.